A magical world ruled by the colourful Big Fish. You reach it by passing under the Rainbow...
The vegetation and fantastic animals of this world are as oversized as your imagination...
Immerse yourself in a fairytale world where the colourful Big Fish reigns supreme - welcome to the Wonderland of TOONS water playgrounds.
To enter this fantastic realm, all you have to do is pass under the Rainbow, the gateway to an unforgettable aquatic adventure.
The lush vegetation and fantastic animals of this world are oversized, stimulating your imagination and transporting young and old alike into a magical world beyond the ordinary.
Magical water arches
Do you dare meet his eyes?
A real ray of sunshine
The essentials
In Wonderland, let yourself be carried away by playful and colourful ideas designed to awaken your senses and stimulate your creativity.
TOONS water play areas offer unique structures, interactive games and an enchanting atmosphere where every element is designed to inspire wonder and escape. Immerse yourself in this magical world and get ready for extraordinary aquatic adventures.