For optimum regulation of your pool water quality

The pH is an essential indicator that measures the acidity or basicity of your pool water. It is expressed on a scale from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very basic), with 7 being neutral.

The ideal pH level for a swimming pool is between 7.2 and 7.4.

This level ensures that water treatment products are as effective as possible and that bathers are comfortable.

Essential products

For optimum regulation of your pool's pH

OCEDIS presents four leading products for regulating the pH of your pool, guaranteeing remarkable effectiveness and durability for cleaner, healthier water.

  • The perfect "pH minus" to reduce a pH that is too high.
  • pH plus" increases the pH level if the pH is too low.
  • Alcafix" is an essential product that stabilises the pH, making adjustments less frequent and therefore more economical.
  • Filtration aids improve the efficiency of your pool's filtration system, capturing even the finest particles for crystal-clear water.

Every OCEDIS product is designed to improve the quality of your pool water, while extending the life of your equipment.

Discover all our products

To balance your pool water

pH moins

pH minus

Available in powder and liquid versions

pH plus

pH plus

Available in powder and liquid versions



Balancing TAC and TH

pH plus

Filtration aids

Clarifying, for beautiful, crystal-clear water

pH plus


Mop removers, metalfix, anti-limescale


For optimum regulation of your pool's pH

At OCEDIS, we understand the crucial importance of balancing your pool water to ensure a consistently clean and healthy swimming experience. Perfectly balanced water is not only pleasant for bathers, it also helps prevent skin problems, irritation and bacterial growth.

The water balance in your pool needs to be established very early in the season. This balance accounts for 15% of water quality and is based on three essential parameters: TAC (Total Alkalimetric Titration), pH and TH (Hydrotimetric Titration). These three elements interact with each other and must be aligned according to Taylor's table to ensure clear, healthy water.

Unbalanced water can have harmful consequences: flocculants and disinfectants lose their effectiveness, the water can become aggressive and irritate the skin or eyes, and your equipment can scale up or become brittle prematurely. What's more, unbalanced water can make the liner porous and accelerate the deterioration of tile joints.

With OCEDIS, you can protect your bathers and your equipment by keeping your pool water balanced.

The balance

0 %

your pool

Find out more...

A stabilised pH allows :

  • the comfort of bathers
with water that is non-irritating to the skin and eyes
  • effective disinfection

Chemical pH corrections using pH MINUS acid or pH PLUS base affect the elements dissolved in the water, such as calcium, magnesium and mineral salts.

If your water is not balanced

Flocculants and disinfectants lose their effectiveness

Water can be aggressive, stinging the eyes and irritating the skin, or it can cause limescale build-up, so be careful with your equipment!

Facilities are weakened and age prematurely

The liner becomes porous. Tile joints disintegrate more quickly

Discover our products

for water balance

Did you know?

An unbalanced pH can cause a number of problems. If the pH is too low (acidic), the water can become corrosive, cause skin and eye irritation and damage pool equipment. If the pH is too high (basic), the water can become cloudy, treatment products lose their effectiveness and limescale deposits can form.

So regularly monitoring and adjusting the pH of your pool water is crucial to keeping it clear, healthy and pleasant to swim in. It's also an essential step in preserving the durability of your pool equipment.


A crucial step to clear, healthy pool water

Flocculation is an essential step in pool maintenance that keeps the water clear and healthy.

In simple terms, flocculation is the process of using a chemical, called a flocculant, to group small particles suspended in the water into larger, heavier clusters, which can then be easily filtered or vacuumed up.

This procedure is particularly useful when your pool water appears cloudy or milky, as it can help remove impurities that are too small to be captured by the pool's standard filtration system. However, it is important to note that flocculation must be carried out with care.

Be aware that flocculation can affect the pH of the water, so it is always advisable to test the water after flocculation to ensure that the chemical balance is correct.