Water disinfection

Understanding disinfection

Water disinfection is an essential stage in the maintenance of a swimming pool, whether private or public.

Because of their effective disinfectant properties, chlorinated products are widely used in this process.

What type of chlorine

For your swimming pool?

  • Stabilised organic chlorine products are the most commonly used disinfectants in private swimming pools. These products contain a stabiliser that plays a crucial role in limiting the degradation of chlorine by UV rays, heat and high water circulation.
  • Non-stabilised inorganic chlorinated products are preferred for public pools.

The level of stabiliser in the water must be carefully controlled. Under ideal conditions, the stabiliser concentration should remain below 75 mg/L to avoid disrupting the disinfection process.

Discover all our disinfection products

Chlorine, bromine, active oxygen...

The expertise of a professional pool specialist can be important in helping you choose the most appropriate disinfectant for your pool. He can offer you a full range of disinfection products:

chlore non stabilisé PCH

Non-stabilised chlorine PCH

Calcium hypochlorite

chlore régulier stabilisé

Regular stabilised chlorine

Regular disinfection

chlore rapide

Rapid chlorine

Shock treatment

chlore choc

Chlorine shock

Shock treatment

désinfectant enrichi à l'oxygène actif

Disinfectant enriched with active oxygen

Enriched with active oxygen for shock treatment weekly

l'oxygène actif

Active oxygen

Chlorine-free treatment complement



Other disinfectant

Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one will depend on a number of factors, including the type of pool you have, how it will be used and your budget.

Discover our products

water disinfection

Preserve the quality of your pool

With disinfected and disinfecting water

  • When chlorine, bromine or salt come into contact with the water, they eliminate the bacteria, algae, viruses and fungi present in your pool. The water is then disinfected.
  • But they will also remain partly available in the water, ready to act on new bacteria. The water here is a disinfectant.

chlorine, bromine, salt

0 %

the quality
of your
water quality

Find out more...

Stabiliser management

Finding the perfect balance

As you use your pool, stabiliser can build up in the water. If the level of stabiliser becomes too high, it can interfere with the disinfection process, making your pool less hygienic. In such cases, it is necessary to change the water in your pool to restore the balance.

There are a wide variety of stabilisers available on the market, each adapted to specific needs.

Did you know?

To limit water changes, treat your pool with products with a high chlorine content (>92%) and in the middle of the season, switch to non-stabilised chlorine (PCH).

Choosing the right product

Depending on your pool

Disinfecting your pool is essential if you want to enjoy swimming in complete peace and safety. But you need to choose the right disinfectant for your pool to avoid any problems or imbalances.

Depending on the size of your pool, the type of liner, the sensitivity of your skin, your floating diffuser or skimmer equipment... It's important to choose the right product.

Each product is indicated with a dosage to be respected to guarantee optimal disinfection and eco-responsible management of your pool. If you have a pool of more than 50m3, Ocedis recommends the 500g pebble, but if you have an above-ground pool, opt for the 20g tablets.

Types of disinfectantsDissolutionUsage
250 or 500 g pebblesslowfor regular maintenance over several days
20 g tabletsfast,
easy dosage
for shock disinfection
Granulesimmediatefor shock disinfection

Regular chlorine, shock chlorine

When to use them

If your pool is green, you can start with a shock treatment using shock chlorine, then keep the water clean with regular stabilised chlorine or bromine.

It's best to consult your pool specialist for advice on the best disinfection plan for your pool.

Chlore régulier, chlore choc