
For beautiful, crystal-clear water all season long

Dull water, unpleasant green colouring, slimy, slippery walls... We don't want them in our pool!

Ocedis Anti-algae products combine algistatic and aligicidal action: they deactivate the algae and destroy it by piercing its cell membrane.

Fight against algae

In your pool

Algae are living organisms that can quickly turn your pool into a veritable swamp if left unchecked.

Certain conditions favour the development of algae:

  • The presence of food (phosphate, nitrogen, minerals)
  • A temperature above 15°C
  • A pH greater than or equal to 7.5

When these conditions are met, algae can proliferate, making the water dull and green, and the pool walls slimy and slippery.

To get rid of algae, two solutions are generally recommended:

  • Shock disinfection, followed by flocculation,
  • Or the use of an anti-algae product to slow down their development (algistatic action) and facilitate their destruction (algicidal action).

Discover all our anti-algae products

Top-of-the-range, specific products for each type of seaweed



Preventive, effective at all pH levels

Jet 35

JET 35 Triple action

Acts against algae, limescale and rust stains

Y100 Anti-algues carrelage

Y100 Anti-algae tiles

Special tiled concrete

Algi-stop 3

Algi-stop 3

Preventive and curative effect against resistant algae

Algi stop moutarde

Algi stop mustard

Specific treatment to destroy mustard algae

Anti-phosphate pro

Anti-phosphate pro

Eliminates phosphates, depriving algae of their favourite food

All about

anti-algae products

Did you know?

Prevention is the best strategy for controlling algae in your pool. By maintaining good water circulation, regularly cleaning the walls and bottom of your pool and regularly testing the water quality, you can prevent algae proliferation before it becomes a problem.


A key factor in the proliferation of algae

Phosphate is a form of food for algae.

It is released by algae when they die, but it can also be present in garden fertilisers, household detergents and even naturally in the water in small quantities in the form of phosphorus. The higher the phosphate concentration in the water, the faster the algae can multiply.

This can lead to over-consumption of disinfectant and, ultimately, render the treatment ineffective at the recommended concentrations, as the algae multiply faster than they are eliminated.

To deal with this problem, we recommend eliminating all algae with a shock treatment of unstabilised chlorine (PCH Granulate) or stabilised chlorine (CHLORE CHOC 20 g or CHLORE RAPIDE V60), followed by the ANTI-PHOSPHATE product.