
Optimising water quality in public pools with anti-algae treatments

Algae is a formidable enemy in the world of communal pools.

Its presence can make the water cloudy, greenish and unattractive, compromising the swimming experience for users.

To prevent and eliminate algae effectively, pool managers need to use specific anti-algae treatments.

Importance of preventive use

Anti-algae treatments

Prevention is often the key to effectively combating algae in public swimming pools.

By regularly using preventative anti-algae treatments, pool managers can maintain clear, clean, algae-free water, providing an optimal swimming experience for users.

What's more, preventing algae helps reduce the need to use more expensive and aggressive shock treatments to eliminate the algae already present.

Discover all our anti-algae products

Top-of-the-range, specific products for each type of seaweed



Preventive, effective at all pH levels

JET 35 Triple action

JET 35 Triple action

Acts against algae, limescale and rust stains

Y100 Anti-algues carrelage

Y100 Anti-algae tiles

Special tiled concrete

Algi-stop 3

Algi-stop 3

Preventive and curative effect against resistant algae

Algi stop moutarde

Algi-stop mustard

Specific treatment to destroy mustard algae

Anti-phosphate pro

Algi-stop mustard

Eliminates phosphates, depriving algae of their favourite food

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anti-algae products
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Understanding algae

Invisible pool enemies

Algae are microscopic plant organisms that thrive in aquatic environments rich in nutrients and light.

In swimming pools, algae can develop rapidly in the absence of appropriate prevention and treatment measures.

The main varieties of algae found in swimming pools are green, yellow and black algae, each presenting its own challenges in terms of treatment and prevention.

Use of anti-algae treatments

Prevention and disposal

Anti-algae treatments are chemical products specially formulated to prevent the growth of algae and eliminate existing algae in swimming pools.

Here's how they work:


Preventive anti-algae treatments are generally added to pool water on a regular basis to water on a regular basis to prevent the growth of algae. These products create a chemical barrier that makes the water inhospitable to algae, reducing the risk of algae formation.


In the event of an algae infestation, shock algae treatments can be used to quickly to quickly eliminate existing algae. These products are often highly concentrated in active agents and may require intensive treatment to restore restore water clarity.

Did you know?

JET 35 algae remover combines algistatic and algicide action!

It acts against algae as well as limescale and traces of rust.


An invisible enemy of water quality

Phosphates are chemical compounds containing phosphorus, an essential element for plant and algae growth.

In swimming pools, phosphates can come from a variety of sources, such as fill water, organic debris and water treatment chemicals. The build-up of phosphates creates a favourable environment for algae growth, compromising water clarity and swimmer safety.

Ocedis phosphate remover is a formulation specially designed to neutralise the phosphates present in swimming pool water. It is effective even when the pH is unbalanced.

In public pools, the preventive use of anti-phosphate is strongly recommended, to avoid over-consumption of anti-algae products or shock treatments.