Complete biomineral water treatment system

Vitii is an innovative bi-mineral water treatment system perfectly suited to private and public swimming pools.

The system stands out for its ecological and sustainable approach, totally eliminating the use of chemicals, making it a solution that respects the health of bathers and the environment.

With no chemicals and no pollutants, you'll save a lot of water by avoiding the need to empty your pool, and by reusing your backwash water to water your garden and vegetable patch.

Vitii filtration system

Operation that reproduces the natural water cycle

For your pool, VITII biomineral filtration uses no chemicals to maintain optimum water quality for several years without any build-up of pollutants (stabilisers). Combined with mechanical filtration and UV filtration, this system maintains perfect water quality. Vitii is an ecological filtration system specially designed to transform all pools into natural, ecological swimming pools. It has been designed to give you soft water that's kind to your health and the environment.


A hydraulic pump equipped with an eco-flow controller to optimise pool hydraulics while limiting electricity consumption.


Uses centrifugal force to remove particles larger than 30 micrometres.

Biological filter

Uses beneficial bio-elements to digest organic matter and micro and micro-residues present in the water.

UV disinfection

A photocatalytic UV reactor that disinfects and reoxygenates water without producing chemical by-products

Mineral rebalancing

Injection of minerals into the water to ensure healthy, balanced water

Discover all Vitii products

Complete range of products for biomineral filtration

Filtration biologique Vitii

Vitii biological filtration

Complete filtration for new and refurbished pools, up to 140 m3

Produits d'injection

Injection products

Maintenance cocktails

Produits de minéralisation

Mineralization products

Balancing minerals

Produits de nettoyage

Cleaning products

Ideal for cleaning your biomineral filtration system

Produits d'entretien

Cleaning products

Suitable for starting up and maintaining your pool with bi-mineral treatment



Spin touch bio, test strips

Vous avez besoin de plus d’informations sur un produit ? Rendez-vous dans “Téléchargements” pour retrouver toutes nos fiches techniques et conseils de traitement.

Options Vitii

Vitii options

Discover all the options to complete your Vitii biomineral installation


le traitement de l'eau biominéral 100% naturel VITII

Did you know?

More than 30 public establishments in France and Belgium are equipped with a Vitii filtration system: municipal swimming pools, aquatic centres, sports centres, hotels, gîtes and châteaux.

Contact us to find out more!

Vitii filtration

Benefits and features

Healthy, natural water

Water treated with Vitii contains no chemicals, providing an irritation-free bathing experience for skin, eyes and hair. It is particularly suitable for sensitive people, such as babies and pregnant pregnant women.

Automated management

The Vitii system is connected and can be controlled remotely via a smartphone or PC application. It has predictive capabilities and sends alerts in the event of anomalies, making it easier to manage water quality.

Environmental sustainability

By eliminating the use of chemicals and incorporating biological and mineral processes, Vitii is helping to protect the environment. The water returned to nature contains no residual products, ensuring a reduced ecological footprint.

Find out more...

Water savings

And a strong commitment to eco-responsibility

The Ocedis Group, to which Vitii belongs, is committed to an eco-responsible approach. This project reflects our vision of a more sustainable pool that respects the environment, while maintaining high standards of quality and performance.

Thanks to the Vitii system, managers of public pools can make major water savings by eliminating the need to drain the pool regularly and allowing backwash water to be reused.

At a time when water is becoming increasingly scarce and prices are rising all the time, these savings are good for both the environment and the budgets of municipalities and leisure establishments.