
All the safety equipment you need

The safety of both users and operators is a priority at Ocedis.

As an expert in water treatment, Ocedis implements rigorous equipment and safety measures to ensure the protection of users, operators and the environment.

Whether in the pool, in the technical room or during transport and storage, Ocedis provides you with a range of safety and regulatory equipment to ensure safety throughout your establishment.

Safety first and foremost

A must at Ocedis

Safety in the use of Ocedis water treatment products is based on a combination of personal protective equipment, collective safety equipment, good storage and handling practices, continuous training and innovative technologies.

By following these measures, Ocedis not only ensures the protection of people and the environment, but also guarantees the safe and effective management of chemicals throughout their life cycle, as well as a safe and efficient working environment.

All our accessories

Safety and regulations

Au bord du bassin

By the pool

Megaphone, lifebuoy, pole...

Dans le local technique

In the technical room

Personal protective equipment






Retention tank, intervention kit, surface plug...

Discover all

our accessories

10 safety tips

For your safety

Before use, read the instructions and safety information on the label.

Do not mix products in concentrated form

Dissolve products in water, but never pour water over or into a concentrated product.

Wear gloves and goggles to avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.

Do not eat, drink or smoke during handling and wash hands.

If splashed, rinse with water. If swallowed, contact poison control centre. In the event of fire or spillage into the environment, contact the fire brigade.

Transport products in an upright position to avoid any risk of spillage. Use a plastic container to prevent any damage caused by leaks when transporting liquids.

Store products separately in their original containers, always tightly closed and upright, in a dry, well-ventilated place out of the reach of children.

Do not reuse empty packaging (risk of confusion)

Follow the regulations in force for the disposal of used products and empty packaging, and obtain information from the local authority.